A Day in the Life...With My PetsSince it’s Pet Month, let me introduce you to my little animal family at home. And so, the cast of characters: there's Livy, she is a cat and and she...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
IBS Friendly Travel SnacksIf you have an upcoming flight booked, or a road trip to take then you might be concerned about what you will eat while you are on the go. Because...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
IBS Venting Session Vol 2.Because of my IBS, I hardly leave my house. In fact, I hardly even call anyone on the phone anymore, including my parents, because all I have to talk about...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Benefits of "Furbabies" for the IBS SuffererThere’s something about fur. It’s soft, it’s fuzzy, and it’s comforting. I believe that’s why we’re handed a stuff animal from the time of birth. Having a fur baby around...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
If Your Brain Were in Your Gut, What Would It Be Thinking?My gut is telling me this is a trick question, and it’s right on. Actually, we do have a brain in our guts. But it’s not a thinking, conscious, decision-making...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Pets Give Unconditional Acceptance That’s Hard To Get ElsewhereWhen you have IBS, it’s easy to feel isolated, misunderstood and judged by the people around you. While the people closest to you try to understand what you’re going through...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Stella: The Dog That Saved My LifeI don’t like to tell this story. It’s very personal and brings up a lot of very strong feelings. But, because it is Pet Month here on IrritableBowelSyndorm.net, I thought...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Importance Of WaterWe all know we should drink plenty of water, but do we do it? And just how much should you drink? Water is so critical for our health, and it’s...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Even If Stress Is A Trigger For IBS, It’s Not All In Your HeadWhen I was first diagnosed with IBS, I was told that I was causing my symptoms. That it was all in my head and if I stopped worrying so much...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Exercise for IBSDepending on your age, weight, gender and about a thousand other factors, the exercise part of your self-care routine can look very different. I think in today’s body obsessed culture...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
IBS-C- More Than ConstipationIf you’re not an IBS sufferer and hear IBS-C, irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, you may just think that IBS-C patients may have a little more constipation than others. Chronic...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Why Don't You Just Get A Pet?One of the most overlooked ways of managing illness of any kind is the thought of providing a pet with a loving home. Not only are you providing one of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
IBS-Friendly Chicken SaladHaving trouble finding the right salad? Here’s a low FODMAP recipe you might enjoy! Strawberry grilled chicken salad with strawberry dressing! Not only is it delicious, but it's satisfying and...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
IBS Doesn't Care About Your LifeIn my past couple of articles about my experiences with IBS, I have tried to share my intentions and 'game plan' for dealing with a life disrupted, and sometimes stopped...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Spotlight: Pets and HealthIn February we’re shining a spotlight on pets and the health benefits of pet ownership! Did you know that February 20, 2017 is #LoveYourPetDay? Of course, cuddling with a cat...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Show Me (more than) the Money! Results from the Cost of Care SurveyCost is a major factor in managing a chronic health condition, such as IBS. There are many things people do to save money and cut costs, but not everyone is...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Power of PetsI’ve never been much of a cat person, and for years, I wasn’t fond of many dogs, either. But my feelings about animals changed when my husband and daughter brought...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Anything New Can Make Your IBS Flare, But Don't Let it Stop YouOne of the most frustrating things about IBS is that you can have everything under control, with no flare ups occurring, and then next thing you know you’re barely functioning...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Caring For Yourself...AlwaysLiving with IBS presents many challenges. Some are easily overcome and others are not. While the idea of ‘mind, body, spirit’ has been tossed around in popular culture, the idea...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Low FODMAP Cumin and Thyme Slow-Cooked ChickenThis hearty, fragrant slow cooker/crockpot meal is perfect for when you don't really feel like cooking as you can put it on to cook while you go off and do...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments