Marathon Video Game Nights With Friends and IBSReconnecting with my friends has been essential these last few years. Between the pandemic’s isolationism and my moving across the state of New York, texting and playing video games with...Reactions0reactionsComments27 comments
Pumpkin and Zucchini RisottoI'm here again, talking about pumpkin...again! (Always the Japanese one, which is low-FODMAP) I cannot stay away from this glorious low FODMAP companion during the cooler months. It's sweet. It's...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Tired Of Daily FlaresMy digestive system has had a good couple of months lately. Of course, I have had some bad flares and several mild ones during this time. But most days, I...Reactions0reactionsComments45 comments
Hypothyroidism, Cholecystectomy, and IBS ChangesThis year started off with a bang, and it caused a lot of changes. All of it has had some effect on my symptoms of IBS but I’m not sure...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
What Is the Social Health Network Community?Like our other Health Union condition communities, the Social Health Network brings people together to drive unique and impactful conversations about health. It also aims to expand opportunities for health...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
New Research About Low FODMAP DietThere are many studies about the potential causes of IBS. Currently, studies appear to show that IBS results from a miscommunication between the gut and the brain. One of the...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Fast Food and Other IBS Travel NightmaresI recently took a vacation that involved being on the road for more than 60 hours in total. Being on the road all day during a week-long road trip had...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
Meal Planning with IBSIBS can be unpredictable. One minute you feel great and the next minute you are curled up in the fetal position with an IBS flare. If you have not planned...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Fall Pumpkin and Veggies SoupIT IS PUMPKIN SEASON! What screams fall more than pumpkin? I'm so addicted to it. It is one of the most versatile veggies ever (although it is technically a fruit...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dealing with Major IBS Urgency at the Grocery StoreI was heading to the grocery store to grab some things before I showed up at a family gathering. I hadn’t had breakfast yet, and it was late morning. This...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
Traveling as an Ambulatory Wheelchair User with IBSIn recent years, my challenges have changed. I am now in an ambulatory wheelchair. Since this change, I have not traveled. Everything was a big adjustment, and, quite honestly, I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Choosing a Low FODMAP TeaWhen IBS symptoms get you down, there’s nothing like curling up on the couch with a comforting cup of tea. But did you know that some types of tea can...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Is It Anxiety or IBS?How can I confuse anxiety and IBS symptoms when they are 2 completely different things? Well, they are not, really. At least not for me. Unless I consciously know I’m...Reactions0reactionsComments31 comments
Snacking and Small Portions Improved My IBS SymptomsFolks, for years, I have done battle with my large intestine. It usually fires the first shot. A warning gurgle, a gas pain, a distending abdomen. Or a bloated feeling...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Simple IBS-Friendly Miso SoupSlurp your way to mealtime satisfaction with a tasty soup. This IBS-friendly rendition relies on small, impactful substitutions such as firm tofu and oyster mushrooms to mimic classic flavors while...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
My Old Adventures in FoodThere were so many things I was proud of growing up. For instance, I loved my name, Sawyer. It was so unique, and everybody would ask me the same questions:...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Planes, Trains, and Cars: IBS and TravelBefore I developed IBS, I used to be able to travel anywhere I wanted without too much planning. Now, I need to think about my meals ahead of time or...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Scariest Thing About Having IBSSo, what’s the scariest thing about having a chronic invisible illness, such as IBS? Well, allow me to try to paint a scene with words. One very late night, I...Reactions0reactionsComments54 comments
Speeding Home To Prevent An IBS AccidentLet’s talk about that moment when you are driving, and like a ton of bricks, you get hit with incredible urgency. You have 2 options: make it to the nearest...Reactions0reactionsComments40 comments
IBS and Weight FluctuationsI recently had a health scare. Before the issue was discovered, I was stuck in a nonstop IBS-D flare and had lost a decent bit of weight. This was underweight...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments