Anyone experience symptoms after hip replacement?Hi new to the forum and saw a tummy doctor today as I have been having similar symptoms to IBS. After the examination he didn't say i had IBS...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
How many of you have so much pain and nausea that you call in sick at work?I have IBS and do not have my gallbladder anymore. Normally, my doctor has prescribed me prevalite to bind the bile salts that my liver now dumps (at will) into...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Diarrhea for 3,5 months. HelpHi,first: I visited couple of different doctors. Age: 28 male. When it started: 3,5 months ago How: When I started drinking home made kefir fermented in unpasteurized unboiled cows milk...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
I am new to this and I Have IBS symptoms for 3 months nowI have all the IBS symptoms for 3 months but I wonder if its IBS or a parasite? I have read about that. Can IBS symptoms actually be a mask...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Symptoms subsidisedHi there, I've had IBS now for about 3 years now. I've tried many things, but eventually just decided I had to live with it. My general symptoms are going...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Paris and IBS-D, please, help!I’m currently living in the US, and I suffer from IBS-D. Next week I’ll travel to Paris and I’m kinda scare that I won’t find any place where I can...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
ColonoscopyDoes anyone have any advice as to how to get through the prep? If I go to the bathroom like three times my stomach cramping is really bad and I'm...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Does dehydration make IBS symptoms worse?I haven’t been diagnosed with IBS yet. I have all the symptoms but have just been referred to GI specialist. I have diarrhea nearly every day and feel nauseous. I...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
competent GI practitioner in MinnesotaHello. I’m 37 years old and have had GI discomfort for over 10 years. I’ve tried multiple different diets and recently visited a GI doctor who ran some expensive tests...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies