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Advice for IBS & Pregnancy?

I would love to hear anyone’s experience dealing with IBS while pregnant. I plan to start the process soon but I’m concerned how my ibs will do with all the body changes that come with pregnancy.

  1. I’ve been pregnant twice now and both times, my symptoms were pretty bad at the very beginning, and somewhat bad during the first trimester (but I was also dealing with horrible “morning” sickness and just ate what I could, which wasn’t necessarily safe for my IBS). During the second and third trimesters of my first pregnancy, I had basically no IBS symptoms at all and could eat whatever I wanted. The second time is wasn’t as good but I was also super stressed over my high-risk pregnancy (that had nothing to do with IBS), so all things considering, it was still good IBS-wise. The only issue were gas pains that made me think I was miscarrying several times. I was also very scared but apart from the very first weeks, it was so much better than I expected!
    If you’re interested in reading the articles I wrote, here they are:, We also have a general article about IBS and pregnancy here: and about nutrition in pregnancy here: This one also talks about managing morning sickness.
    Finally, I wanted to share 2 forums from other community members who have written about their pregnancy experience:, I hope this helps and other community members will share their experiences soon.
    All the best, Karina (team member)

    1. , I wonder how you are doing. I am going through pregnancy and severe IBS flare ups so I know the feeling. I hope you aren't experiencing the same. I should mention that my eating habits aren't the best because this has been a very stressful pregnancy. I think the stress exacerbates IBS but my doc says that I have to tolerate it till my delivery. Best of luck to you.

      1. I'm wondering if there is anything you can do to lower stress? Way easier said than done of course. But I concur, that stress is a huge huge factor in ramping up my IBS symptoms. Also, of course food. I have to meal plan or else I will get off track. Stay well, Elizabeth (team member)

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