I'm almost 5 months pregnant but since I first knew I was pregnant I've been extra windy. I have IBS anyway but being pregnant has literally made me constantly burp and fart all day as well as all night, whatever I eat or don't eat.
I'm temporarily on leave from work at the moment, and it's a good thing really because it would be pretty embarrassing given my constant burping and farting.
All the time I'm awake I belch every 10-15 minutes, and often when I walk around the house I'm breaking wind out the other end, and the worst thing about it is I can't hold it in! Usually I can when I want to be polite, but while pregnant I don't seem able to hold it in.
But the question I most wanted to ask is how do I massage my bowels while pregnant? Before I was pregnant I would stroke my belly to help ease IBS flares, but now I can't so much because I have a foetus in front (sorry, I don't know much about biology).