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Pregnancy and wind

I'm almost 5 months pregnant but since I first knew I was pregnant I've been extra windy. I have IBS anyway but being pregnant has literally made me constantly burp and fart all day as well as all night, whatever I eat or don't eat.

I'm temporarily on leave from work at the moment, and it's a good thing really because it would be pretty embarrassing given my constant burping and farting.

All the time I'm awake I belch every 10-15 minutes, and often when I walk around the house I'm breaking wind out the other end, and the worst thing about it is I can't hold it in! Usually I can when I want to be polite, but while pregnant I don't seem able to hold it in.

But the question I most wanted to ask is how do I massage my bowels while pregnant? Before I was pregnant I would stroke my belly to help ease IBS flares, but now I can't so much because I have a foetus in front (sorry, I don't know much about biology).

  1. That's a great question. I would reach out to a funtioncal medical doctor. I feel like they would have an answer. Also researching online and finding a reputable source. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Congratulations on your pregnancy! That's so exciting. 😀
      I feel like wind is pretty common in pregnancy. I've been pregnant twice and know many other people who have and you're definitely not alone with this. I would get painful trapped wind that made me think I was in labor, too... There are also many articles about that, like this one: It's just the first I found on Google, just to show that other people deal with gas in pregnancy as well.
      However, for the 'not being able to hold it in' part, I'd talk to your doctor or midwife about that. Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the pelvic floor, so maybe some physical therapy could help you with that. I did pelvic floor physical therapy after my first brith and all throughout my second pregnancy and it helped a lot with all that, also with the recovery process after.
      As for the belly massages, I personally never felt comfortable doing that, nor applying heat, which made it harder to deal with flares. You could always ask your doctor what's safe to do. When is your next appointment?
      In the meantime, maybe you could try some yoga poses that help with flares but are also safe for pregnancy? I'm going to link a couple of websites I found below: 1), 2), 3) I'm not sure about the sources, so please be sure to not do anything that doesn't feel good and ask your doctor/midwife about it. I'd also recommend herbal tea as a remedy. Just check beforehand that the particular herbs are okay to consume during pregnancy.
      I really hope this helps. All the best, Karina (team member)

      1. I'm due in a month.

        I'm not eating much, just bland stuff really, but I still get full of wind and it smells foul too. Last night in bed wind just kept slowly coming out like one long fart that lasted forever, just like a very low-sounding vibration coming out for ages and ages, not relieving at all but making the whole room smell rotten.

        I also burp a lot too. Often I feel nauseous but when I go to the bathroom thinking I'm going to vomit all that comes out is a massive belch, then I feel much better. But it takes a couple of dry wretches before the belch. Much better than vomiting but still unpleasant. The belch is shockingly loud and even smelly, and leaves that sour burpy sort of taste in my mouth for ages after.

        I just don't feel very glamorous while pregnant.

        1. I'm sorry you're dealing with these symptoms. Pregnancy didn't feel glamorous for me either, and having a baby pressing in your stomach and intestines really doesn't help digestion... Have you talked about this with your doctor or midwife to see what can be done?
          I hope that you'll feel a lot better after giving birth. Most of these pregnancy-related symptoms went away the moment I gave birth in my case.
          Sending big hugs, Karina (team member)

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