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I’ve been diagnosed with IBS & Gastritis which has been going on for over 8 months. Been on various PPI’s for months which have not helped at all. Now taking Famotidene twice day, but about 7 hours after taking it the burning ache in upper stomachs returns, nothing seems to put it away. Have tried probiotics and low FODMAP but still same issues, does anyone have any suggestions of things that might give a bit of relief?
Karina Member
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I'm going to share some articles about our contributors' experiences with Gastritis and IBS here:,, This last one is a forum where other community members have also shared what has worked for them.
On a more general note, here are some ideas you could explore:
- Have you tried cutting gluten and/or dairy from your diet to see if that helps at all? You could also try a food diary ( if you haven't already.
- How are you stress levels currently? For many people, stress and anxiety can trigger symptoms that aren't food-related. That's the case for me, for example, and I find techniques to calm my nervous system pretty helpful.
- If you feel like your doctors can't really help, have you tried seeing a holistic practitioner? I haven't done that myself yet, but other community members had good experiences, as described here for example: I hope this helps.
Sending hugs, Karina (team member)
jaytee8 Member
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Karina Member
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CaptJim Member
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Karina is correct. I've come to understanding that the stress is a BIIIIG part of IBS... It's like the Chicken or the Egg question in my case. But I believe stress causing the IBS symptoms or at least contributing the exaggerate the symptoms effects on my body and that ignites my anxiety attack and anxiety makes me feel worse during those IBS symptoms and that triggers even panic attacks. I feel like hit by a truck in those moments, only to be perfectly ok sometimes 1-2 hrs later and sometimes 6-8 hrs later. But this is like a yo-yo keeps appearing and disappearing on and off since weeks and it is really tiring.
Hopefully you'll find a method to give you some relief. Try stress and anxiety treatment. I am going to get some acupuncture treatment for mine because every remedy western medicine offers comes attached with some other serious side effects.
I am not ignoring western medicine solutions but at least in addition to that I'll try the solutions offered since 4000+ years too... Besides no side effects in acupuntcure.
Good luck!
Karina Member
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Please let us know if you end up trying acupuncture!
All the best, Karina (team member)
Karina Member
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Anxiety and IBS fueling each other is such a problem, we have so many articles and forums about that, like this one: You're right, there are so many people who experience that, and it's nice to know that we're not alone at least.
I'm so glad that you appreciate this community! We're very glad to have you here. 😀 Karina (team member)