is it ibs ?I have had symptoms since i were 14 years old i am now 20. They would always follow the same pattern. They would begin either in September (begging of school...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesIBS-DSymptomsAnxiety
Possible advices for newly diagnosed IBS I have been diagnosed with IBS a few months ago, but I had problems for 3 years and I didn't know what was the cause. I have visited many doctors...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAnxietyIBS-DPain
How to deal with IBS and health anxiety?!I have suffered from stomach problems since i was 15 and after years of doctor visits finally i was diagnosed with IBS in 2018-19. I have been tested for everything...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAnxiety
Newbie to this group, old hat for IBSI am 50 years old with IBS since I was 27 after emergency gall bladder surgery. IBS runs in my family but my version of especially cruel. I can be...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAnxietyIBS-CIBS-D