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Tips for managing my IBS

Hi everyone. I’ve been struggling with IBS for about 4 years and it was difficult to get used to at first but I’ve slowly got used to managing it in my own way.

The main thing I’m looking at getting tips for is not going to the toilet as much. I’m going between 3-6 times a day and it’s grinding me down a bit as some days are better than others. I’m struggling to adapt to a diet and avoiding certain foods but I struggle quite badly with nerves and anxiety which I know doesn’t help. I’ve tried probiotics and probiotic dairy free drinks which can be a mixture of a help and a hinderance. I’d say I get a mixture of diarrhoea and constipation. I go to the toilet and empty my bowel then I have to go again 30 minutes later and for a third time shortly after. From then on it feels like I need to go but only pass small amounts or nothing at all despite feeling a bowel movement.

Is there any tips anyone could give? I’ve tried searching the internet but I don’t seem to get the answers I’m looking for.

I do suffer from stomach pains (stress is a trigger), trapped wind and a cramp-like pain at times from straining or suffering from haemorrhoids which seems to happen at night.

  1. I had IBS-D and now I'm more tipping towards SIBO.
    I share with you the things that help me the most:
    1. Meal-spacing (3 meals per day, at least 4-5 hours of fasting - just water! - in between to give your MMC enough time to work. Last meal should be around 6pm so you have AT LEAST 4 hours until going to bed)
    2. Sleep for at least 7 hours per night or your body can't fight the inflammation.

    3. Find some sort of meditative routine-program that works for you (for me it's doing ~15 min mindfulness meditation and a round of Qigong at least once per day)
    4. Look up how to breath properly and learn how to manipulate your anxiety with your breath (it helps, this saved me during my final teacher examen)
    5. Try the Fodmap diet and see if focusing more on those foods helps
    6. If you have cramps, massage your belly slowly (just make sure to massage in the correct direction - from your perspective clockwise)
    7. Try to take a slow walk for digestion after every meal (this one is a lifechanger for me, it really helps with bloating)

    1. Since you've mentioned that you're struggling with anxiety, I would try focusing on this first. For me personally, managing my stress and anxiety is the best way to redue symptoms. My IBS-D sounds quite similar to what you describe, I also have to use the bathroom way too often. I quite agree with the comment above: have you tried hypnotherapy, medication, light exercice and/or breathing techniques yet? I would also focus on prioritizing sleep as mentioned above, but also eating breakfast as soon as you wake up, if you can. I've realized that my anxiety gets so much worse if I don't eat in the morning. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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