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Help with diet

I’m new here but had IBS for a long time . Three years ago I had gall stones in bile duct and gall bladder . It was an 18months journey to get things sorted . During that time I was tested for all the other tummy issue all neg . Leading to iBS . I do ha hiatus hernia and silent reflux and GERD . My problem is goods to avoid with GERD high fat , acid like tomatoes garlic onion … chilli 🌶️ and the food s that trigger IBS I feel I have nothing exciting left to eat ! It’s exhausting… any thoughts 💭 many thanks for reading 😀

  1. Hi and welcome to our community! Dealing with multiple issues at once is so hard, I completely understand why you feel like you have nothing left to eat. I sometimes feel that way with IBS alone.
    Maybe you'll find some inspiration in your recipe section here: Of course, diet is very individual, so you might need to adjust some parts.
    Our advocate also has GERD and shared her triggers and alternatives here: I hope this helps and that other community members will share their advice with you soon!
    Karina (team member)

    1. Hi! You can try the low FODMAP diet, which has been shown to reduce symptoms in many people with IBS. It involves eliminating certain carbohydrates that are difficult to digest and then reintroducing them to identify triggers.

      Also, you can try Casa De Sante their cookbook ebook guide for Low FODMAP Meals.

      1. Can you tell me more about your gallbladder, gallstones, bile duct.. same is going on with me.thanks

        1. I'm going to link a couple 2 articles written by advocates who also experience gallbladder problems here:, Amy, who wrote the second one, also deals with Hypothyroidism, so I thought you might relate to her perspective.
          All the best,
          Karina (team member)

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