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Diarrhea rules my life.

So it's been about 20yrs since my Dr diagnosed me, but these last 3/4 years things have gotten progressively worse. I've had a few accidents as episodes just seem to come on so fast and the pain is unbearable and sometimes haven't got to a toilet quick enough. I now have no social life, I won't go anywhere, won't even go with family for a meal due to the embarrassment of needing the loo when I'm out. I'm only 39 but live the life of someone who's 99! I have done gluten free, wheat free etc and still get diarrhea, I just don't know what to do anymore and most days wish I didn't have to eat because at least then I may be able to live normally! Now this is where I do need help. I'm a single mum to 2 boys, and 2 years ago booked a holiday abroad which we go next month. I don't want to go, I'm petrified, especially at the thought of being stuck on a plane for 2.5 hours and then 1 hour on a coach to the resort. We are there for 10 days, on a half board basis but I don't have any intentions of eating anything. Can anyone please help me, does anyone have any hints, tips, advice to help me get through this holiday, I am so scared. I know I probably sound so pathetic, but the closer it gets the more scared I become. I've become such a hermit, I've had to so I can always be close to a toilet this is just something I am not used to. Can I can immodium everyday? Is there anything at all I can do. Please help, so I can possibly enjoy some of this holiday. Thankyou.

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry that your IBS has gotten worse. Did you get tests done when this started happening? If not, I'd maybe ask for new ones because you never know if it's something else rather than IBS that's causing these new issues.
    I feel you, traveling with IBS is always so stressful, and the anxiety doesn't help. 🙁 What I usually do it only eat very safe foods (like white rice) for a couple of days before the trip, then fast the evening and morning before leaving. If you're scared of not finding any safe foods there, I'd bring some in your suitcase so you don't starve for 10 days. Some people also swear by Imodium in these situations, I personally would consider taking it on the travel days for peace of mind. We also have several articles and forums about traveling and IBS, such as these:,,,
    How old are your boys? If they're old enough to understand what you're going through, I would talk to them about it so they can be supportive if needed. Hopefully, other people will share their advice and experiences with you soon. All the best, Karina (team member)

    1. I’ve got numerous issues, but the IBD is the most prevalent. It is the bane of my existence sometimes. I’ve fasted, eaten only rice and chicken. Stayed clear of anything good. I’ve worn depends just in case. I’ve still had accidents. One time on vacation I pooped in my aunts guest bed!!! Yep pooped the bed. I’ve since slept on a towel whenever there’s a slight chance of having an accident. The one thing I can depend on is the medicine for nausea. It’s Zofran. But remember it doesn’t let you poop at all. So be prepared for constipation. If I’d be on a ten day trip I’d plan for a time every couple days to sit on the toilet. Maybe eat a salad at night and drink lots of water then plan some private toilet time. A few hours should be good. Bring a good book or your phone and sit on the toilet for a while. Have plans for your kids to be away from you for that whole time , if possible. Good luck and non voyage

      1. Thank you so much for sharing what has worked for you. Sorry to hear that your IBS can be so bad sometimes, that's so tough. Have you found that it's affected by the food you eat? Karina (team member)

    2. Hey there, Jenny!
      This sounds really awful and I'm really amazed how you handle your situation (booking a trip with your family for your kids is really selfless of you).
      What you really need to do is ease into the idea of going on that trip. Of course you know that anxiety will make things worse (as we all do) so getting into s state of calm is really important. Have you tried mindfulness meditation yet? This helps me a lot when everything else fails. It needs to practiced tho and just doing it 1-2 times before the trip doesn't help. You said that still have time to prepare so you could prepare by start training meditation (especially for the flight).

      Also: Have you tried the probiotic yeast Sacch. bouldarii yet? It's used for traveler's dirrhea but some people have had some really good experiences trying that.

      1. Amen, brother! Holosync, Centerpointe, Learning Strategies have changed my life dramatically! 98% cured. A stubborn 2% to go but finally hope. I listen 3x a day - a half hour each recording typically plus Gymshots before a workout, which I am finally able to do again. Most of us hold on hard to harmful feelings and memories and must learn to let go. It's not easy letting go but if I can do it anyone can. Really.

    3. I have suffered from IBS-D for years. I am also diabetic. I tried all the diets and remedies and nothing helped. I began Ozempic for my diabetes a few months back and my diarrhea has STOPPED. ITS AMAZING. I know it slows down gastric processing and all. I am just passing on my experience.

      1. That's amazing, I'm so glad that you're doing so much better. Thank you so much for sharing what has worked for you. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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