Well, I always take Imodium with me. My gastroenterologist said I can take up to 4 a day! I haven't needed that many, but I sure near came close on a couple of road trips. I always bring spare underwear like it's nobody's business; better to be safe than sorry! If you're going by car, I would recommend a collapsible toilet. You can buy them on amazon. They fold out and can accept any type of plastic bag. Better to have that as an option on a long ride than a very uncomfortable alternative. I bring water, ginger ale, and ritz crackers. I try fasting on road trips, but these are my go-tos to get necessary sustenance down. I hope you have a fantastic trip! Traveling is a real bummer, but the destination is always worth it 😀
Wishing you a gentle day ~ Sawyer (team member)