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Does anyone’s pain eg bloating get worse as the day progresses? Mines is fine with my first meal, generally fine with my second but it’s my third meal at 6 o’clock that causes the issue. This could last for three/ four hours or so then subsides by about 10 o’clock. Its a pattern I’ve noticed for a while now.
Karina Member
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-Karina (team member)
ssmithabc123 Member
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This is interesting, mine is always at it's worst in the morning. The more active I am the better it gets as the day progresses. I also never eat in the morning, eating a light lunch then bigger dinner seems to work better for me. So odd...everybody is different...
Kelly Dabel, RD Community Admin
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hateibs Member
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Some of my symptoms are worse in the morning, like urgency and loose stools including a very uneasy feeling in my gut which can wake me up.
But after a very small breakfast there's no gas, bloating or pain. I can't eat breakfast soon after getting up, maybe 2-3 hours usually, then I can't eat much.
I don't eat again until 6pm.
I have noticed that on some evenings, maybe about 50% of the time I get some bloating lower belly, a bit gassy, and sometimes get trapped gas pains. That's about 3-4 hours after eating, and passes off usually by 10- 10.30 ish
It's strange, but I found if I had a tiny snack then, and (don't shoot me!) something sugary, like a couple of cookies or even some chocolate it eased things up.
But when I am going through one of my "normal" patches, I don't get those things happening at all.
One time, I wondered if that discomfort in the evening could be caused by going too long without food in the afternoon, then suddenly eating a decent dinner, so tried snacking in the afternoon, and eating less at dinner. It didn't work for me. It just caused me to lose my appetite but I still got the discomfort a few hours after dinner.
Karina Member
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Sometimes, I feel like symptoms in the evening aren't even due to the food I ate. They often start once I put my toddler to bed and finally sit down to relax, so I'm wondering if it's just my body starting to digest at this time. Who knows!
Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)
Lakelander Member
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Elizabeth Alvarez Member
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CommunityMember9e29b7 Member
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Velda: There are times when I will wake up and my day will start with my IBS acting up. Stomach bloated like I'm pregnant with severe cramping abdominal pain.
Karina Member
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Karina (team member)