(I made this post already but it either got moderated or deleted so I'll phrase it more softly this time)
I am 20 years old, living in a single parent household and I am a partial care-giver to a sibling. Last week I was 'tentatively diagnosed' with IBS-C after 7 unbroken weeks of constipation, nausea, low appetite, muscle weakness and fatigue that ultimately resulted in a day in A+E. These symptoms aren't especially new to me but to have them this intensely and for this long has wiped me out completely. My GP is refusing to test for any other potential condition until new year claiming that one singular blood test has ruled out all other possibilities except IBS-C including ones that have been passed down generationally for years in the women of my family. I just feel like my symptoms are not being taken seriously. My sibling has IBS and he has told me frequently the things I've been experiencing are nothing at all like his. My family and I are talking about getting a second opinion due to the dismissive and overly relaxed nature of my GP who told me I wasn't 'unwell enough' to warrant further testing at this stage and to come back 'when you are bleeding'. Has anyone been through something similar? Would seeking a second opinion be foolish in this situation?