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IBS without pain

Hi. I've had what I believe to be IBS for 25 years (I'm 45).
My symptoms are:
Extreme urgency to go to the toilet.

My triggers are:
Insoluble fibre
Onion & garlic
Deep fried foods
Eating too much

I've never experienced pain. Has anyone else got IBS in here, and doesn't experience pain. I was just pondering the possibility that perhaps I have something else 🤔

  1. Hi , you're not alone! Your symptoms sound a lot like mine and I also rarely experience pain. If you're interested, we have a similar forum here: where community members have shared their experiences with IBS that doesn't cause pain.
    I don't know if this helps, but the triggers you listed are also pretty common based on what we see in this community.
    This being said, if you feel like something else might be going on, you can always ask your doctor for an additional round of tests just to be sure. When was the last time you had tests done?
    Karina (team member)

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