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Desperate. Need suggestions.

Metamucil, Olestyr, Dexilant, Align after the usual tests, including colonoscopy OK for a week but now zero effect. Supplementing with Immodium 8x a day. GPs don't know. Respirologist, gastroenterologist agree asthma and exploding guts related. Can't go for walks, can't work out. GPs useless. Lamotil maybe? Others?

  1. Hi, - thanks so much for submitting this question. It certainly looks like you've tried so many options; I'm so sorry you haven't found relief! While we can't provide medical advice via the internet (for your safety), it's worth mentioning that many folks have found symptom relief through diet management. One diet plan is the low-FODMAP diet, which we have more information on here. I also thought that this article from our sister site,, would be of interest! I hope this helps! - Chris, Team

    1. Thanks for input. Been there, done that. Neither diet nor alcohol nor lack thereof has any measurable effect.

      My own theory is auto-immune disorder maybe worsened by asthma puffers. Strangely, a nightly Benadryl added this week seems to help tho wow, it prompts strangely deep sleep. Benadryl also stops the itching esp eyes, which also suggests to me auto-immune.

      I may explore Lamotil despite weird claims it's addictive. How could anything needed to combat chronic diarrhea possibly be fun enough to be addictive? Is Immodium 'addictive' b/c it's effective, if nauseating?

      Pharmacy science eludes me, alas.

      1. No, diet changes nothing. I've been at this for years. I'm a skillful, low-fat Mediterranean cook. I make my own bread. It's something else.

        After a misadventure with Immodium - 5x a day too many - don't ask - I've decided to give it ALL up - all except the asthma puffer. But I will write to Breo to see if IBS is a problem for other Breo clients. My respirologist -a very senior very respected specialist who teaches at the medical school - assures me asthma and IBS/acid reflux are connected. Alas medicine doesn't understand complex systems well. The old reductionism is just not helpful.

        1. Sorry to hear that diet changes didn't help! The IBS/asthma connection is very interesting. I hope new research continues to uncover links between gut health and other illnesses. Hoping that a new leaf is turned in your treatment journey soon, ! Keep us posted. - Chris, Team

        2. First thing boss respirologist did was reduce Breo to 25 mcgs from 50 or whatever it was. Stronger puffs are an IBS/gastro irritant, apparently. Which makes sense. Which suggests long-term asthma puffing may cause/worsen IBS/acid reflux. Could you or anyone with medical research exp suggest search terms so that I could set up a Google scholar alert regarding asthma puffers?

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