What source if most reliable for determining the fodmap in foods during the rechallenge phase?I am rechallenging sorbitol with peaches, but also see peaches listed for fructose. Will I have an accurate rechallenge for sorbitol with peaches? The conflicting lists on various websites and...Reactions0reactionsComments3 replies
Who is one of the best specialist for ibs any were in AUS?I had ibs for over 20 yrs, no matter how strict I am on the diets I keep getting worse, I've nearly ran out of foods I can eat, any...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Pain Awareness MonthIBS can really be a pain. We hear frequently how pain is a daily struggle for many members of the IBS community. How do you manage your IBS pain?...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
Why is it nessary to challenge fructans separately for fruits, vegetables and breads?If I do not react to the fructan fruit challenge, wouldn't that mean that I will not react to fructans in vegetables and bread? Or, if I react to fructans...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
What is happening to me and what can I do?About 10 years ago I started having severe stomach and upper GI pain. At that time is was localized to that area. Nothing helped and no particular thing seemed to...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies