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What does IBS awareness mean to you?

  1. To me, IBS awareness means that people who have it understand what all the symptoms are. It took years before I realized that some symptoms were actually part of the illness. It also means that physicians know and share with patients all the possible treatment options. Not one doctor has told me about the low-FODMAP diet or has asked me to do an elimination diet. It also means that friends, family, co-workers, etc. understand it is a real illness that is truly debilitating. Sometimes people seem to think we're just not tough enough and overreact to stomach upset.

    1. So well put, jaeger91! IBS sufferers are some of the toughest people I've had the privilege in speaking with 😀 It seems you've come such a long way on your journey with IBS. I hope that the understanding and awareness of this illness continues to grow. Thanks so much for sharing with us! - Chris, Team Member

  2. Learning how to take back my life or at least have a more meaningful life with IBS-D.

    1. That's a great sentiment, Supreme13! Have you found some ways to accomplish this that you'd like to share about? - Chris, Team Member

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