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So... not what we thought it was.

I wanted to give an update on here and just a little bit of closure and advice.

I begged doctors for help for months and months. Some days I'd be in such severe pain I'd throw up and pass out. It seemed like nobody would listen.

One night my family came home and found me in and out on the bathroom floor and phoned an ambulance.

I was in A&E (or the emergency room for some of you!) for about twelve hours and ended up leaving out of sheer frustration and exhaustion. I got a call from an unknown number the second I opened the front door. It was the hospital, there was something very wrong with my liver.

We went back and I was admitted to a surgical unit. I had bloods, ultrasounds, an MRI and just about every sample known to man.
(my arms were very bruised!)

I was admitted and when I woke up in the morning alone and afraid a surgeon informed me that I do not have IBS, I have four tumours on my liver and about 16 gallstones. My gallbladder was so diseased and THAT was what had been causing IBS like symptoms.

I couldn't believe it. I went back to hospital for a few more tests after being discharged and we found out the tumours are benign but very rare! (thank god)

I'm waiting for a surgery anytime soon to remove my gallbladder and I couldn't be more excited to go under the knife.

I just wanted to warn people that although gallstones are very common, if they are left too long they can be life threatening. There are very simple tests that a doctor or sometimes even you can do to check for them. Always ALWAYS rule out all of the possible illnesses. Especially if they are ones you are at risk of developing. Never gamble with your health, it is your most valuable possession.

Best of luck to everyone, I hope you guys have been well!

  1. Wow, I'm so sorry that it got this bad but also really glad that you finally have answers and know what's causing all these symptoms! I hope that you'll feel more normal again once your gallbladder gets removed.
    I completely agree that it's so important to rule out any other illnesses and problems before being diagnosed with IBS. Thank you so much for sharing this update with us. Please keep us updated on how your surgery goes if you like! Wishing you quick relief and sending positive thoughts, Karina (team member)

    1. Thank you for being so lovely as always!
      I accepted my diagnosis when I really should have advocated for more testing early on!

  2. It's good that you got to the bottom of what was going on, Moniz. I wish you well for your surgery and recovery.
    I like your avatar by the way. What a sweet little cat tucked under the blanket!

    1. Thank you so much.
      And I know, he looks so cozy. 😀

  3. Oh wow! This whole ordeal must've been quite scary. Thank goodness you were able to get answers that will lead you feeling much better! Best of luck with your surgery and recovery. I hope it all goes well for you and that you feel relief. ~Michaela (team member)

    1. It happened so quickly I was clueless for most of it!
      Thank you. 😀

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