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Hi Everyone!
I'm new to the forum and having been managing IBS-C for a few years now. In the recent month I've developed a new really terrible symptom where I have this excessive energy in my body at night even though I'm tired. I can feel that it stems from wanting to have a bowl movement, but then when I go to the toilet nothing comes out. It is like that feeling of energy right before you have a bowel movement and also feels like butterflies in my stomach. It's been getting worse and haven't been able to sleep for the last week. It keeps me up until 3 or 4 in the morning and some how I miraculously fall asleep eventually. Anyone have any ideas or advice?

  1. So sorry you are going through this. I would go through something similar and honestly it was because my IBS was flaring and my diet was not helping me. I changed my diet to basically avoid dairy, wheat, sugar and overly processed foods. Started to take a probiotic daily and did light exercise. That's when this symptom went away. I hope this helps some! -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks so much! Good to know I'm not alone. I've been off dairy gluten and eat pretty much vegan and veggies/anti inflammatory food. I'm also pretty active exercising daily. That's why I was really surprised when this started happening:/

      1. You are so welcome. That is definitely surprising. I wish I could offer more advice. -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. I have IBS D, but sometimes get an awful restless energy feeling just before a bm, but I am lucky because that happens in the mornings.
      I don't know if this will help, but have you tried drinking anything calming? Sometimes a camomile tea or two will take the edge off for me. But there also might be tablets that you could buy OTC, like herbal sleep remedies or something calming.
      I know it's totally different to your issue, but I had the most terrible sleep during menopause, and I bought some dried herbs and made my own teas, with Hops, valerian, skullcap, avena sativa (which are actually oats!) If you choose herbs check first to make sure they are safe for you or ask your doctor.
      They didn't work like sleep meds of course, but did help somewhat to calm that "tight" awful sleepless energy.
      The uneasy gut is what;'s keeping you awake, I know. But it sets up a loop betwen brain and gut, and one makes the other worse. Something calming might affect both?

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