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Has anyone tried sacral nerve stimulation?

Hi, new guy here. I've had ibs off and on for 50 years. I'm 80 years old now. For the past year and 1/2 I have no peristalses and though my stool is not hard I have to strain to get it out. I've tried stool softeners and laxatives but I strain to have a BM. I've been to a gastro dr. I recently read about a treatment called sacral nerve stimulation to help with the lack of peristalsis. Has anyone in the forum heard of this and what are your thoughts on this. Thanks, Joe

  1. Hi and welcome to our community. I don't have any personal experience with sacral nerve stimulation, but I'm going to link this article about electrical stimulation for IBS-C: as well as Bowel Control Therapy which involves the stimulation of the sacral nerves: One of our advocates also wrote about using a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machine to help with cramping: I'm linking it here just in case you're interested in reading about her (successful) experience.
    I hope this helps and that other community members will chime in soon!
    All the best, Karina (team member)

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