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Past Diet Attacking

I had a peaceful period with no IBS. Then IBS returned after a very stressful period in my life. I have been reading about the low FODMAP diet and realized that my diet had some triggers but IBS never returned during the peaceful period. I'm keeping my same diet but should I eliminate the FODMAP items even though they didn't seem to trigger a flair up before?

  1. Thank you so much for sharing with us! I would always consult your doctor or dietician before making any choices and go by their recommendation! I though, would suggest you keep a good food journal and eliminate trigger foods, that's for sure. I know that my body is a fickle beast, in that what triggers me some days, won't trigger me other times. Ibs never brews consistency! Thank you so much for sharing with us and I hope you've been feeling both better as of late, as well as getting to the bottom of what really does and doesn't trigger you. Wishing you a gentle and flare-free day! ~ Sawyer (team member)

    1. My IBS plays tricks like that too. I can have periods of total normality, or periods where I might only have one tiny symptom that doesn't bother me, then suddenly wham! a flare up will arrive.
      Both those good and bad times seem to just "happen" even though I haven't done or eaten anything different from my usual routines and foods.

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