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Need help with my IBS ;(

Hi All,
New member here, I am 36, male from London.

Some background. I suffered with haemerhoids, largely due to abusing my diet and straining (the two are linked), and potentially an unrelated disorder that is vascular and may mean I have more veins down there.

Anyway, I had the haemerhoids treated via sclerotherapy, but on the last occasion in 2018, the surgeon found and removed a ganglioneuroma (bundle of nerves). He basically said I have IBS, which I have read is an umbrella term for unknown bowel conditions?

I didn't think much of this as I didn't suffer much from bloating etc, but in the last few years, around covid and working from home, my bowel habits changed. I noticed I needed to go to the loo twice (i.e. go once, get up, grab my towel for a shower, back to the bathroom, go again), and now three or four times, which is tiring. I have upped my fruit and water intake and the only change is I am more certain about needing to go, but it can take an age for anything to pass on the third or fourth attempt.

Before all this, I used to be eat anything but now I avoid lamb unless it is mild and not dry, and spicy sauces.

Is there anything I can do to help here? Laxatives aren't recommended for everyday use so that isn't an option but prune juice has been good.

  1. Pear juice is great. I also have read that two kiwis a day helps tremendously with constipation. Maybe give that a try? Also of course, try to eat a whole food diet. Nothing processed. Cook your veggies. Stay hydrated. Also daily light exercise is always helpful. I hope this helps some. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hi!
      Thanks for the replies. Where do I begin....

      I don't know if the stools being slow to pass is constipation, as they do pass, but takes time after my first sitting (at worst 20-30 minutes). I can try pear juice, prune juice is good too. Is pear juice the same as having pears? As I eat pears daily.

      As I have haemerhoids, I am getting this treated (going private), so that is fine, but this sitting on the toilet waiting 20-30 minutes, in theory, makes me vulnerable to hamerhoids (due to gravity and sitting that long isn't great but I don't have a choice). During this period of haemerhoids, I've eaten healthy, eg spinach, banana, apple, pear, lots of water, etc. No spicy or dry foods and no meat (meat itself is ok, just not spicy or dry).

      I was out yesterday at an event so on my feet all day (enough to be worn out), and that didn't help with going loo once (family say lots of walking is what I need as I work in an office job and from home so I am not physically active). Setting these expectations which I know won't come true just make me more upset and disappointed (when I didn't have the problem of going loo 2-3 times in an hour or 90 minutes, I was in an office job and less active now, i.e. didn't go swimming etc. That's logic and facts but family ignore being objective).

      I have read conditions that can effect how stool passes, maybe that is what I have.

      1. I'm so sorry that you're struggling with this. Have you talked to your doctor about these new symptoms? If you did, what did they say? I can't personally give you any tips on treating constipation because I have the opposite problem, but we have an overview about it here: as well as many other articles. Here are some that might be helpful for you:,,,,, Wishing you quick relief, Karina (team member)

    2. I spoke to the doctor, the other day (due to the haemerhoids removal). He recommended a laxative (for my chief complaint of going loo two-three times). But that isn't great as laxatives are for one offs and not everyday as the body may get dependent on it. He did say ask the colorectal surgeon, who I will see (booking appt tomorrow, had to sort out health insurance).

      The thing is, I don't know if my symptoms are all ibs, as I have read some conditions that may effect bowel movements, so it's confusing. Hence ask the surgeon.

      In my last colonoscopy no issues were found with my bowels but maybe now it is different.

      1. I hope that the appointment with the surgeon will provide some answers for you! I completely understand why you don't want to take laxatives every day, so I hope that you'll be able to indentify what's causing this issue in the first place. Will you keep us updated about your upcoming appointment? All the best, Karina (team member)

    3. Just an update on this. I had surgery for haemerhoids that removed (huge) prolapsing haemerhoids and skin tags. So on that front I am better. The surgery was a haemerhoidectomy, so it was a major op.

      However, sadly, the issue of multiple bowel movements still remain. It does seem driven by diet, but I am not sure what apart from spices and sauces in some foods (which is a little vague).

      I am looking at intolerance testing, I am not sure if this will shed any light.

      1. I'm glad that you're better after the surgery. Have you tried keeping a food diary and experiment with your diet to see what might be causing the multiple bowel movements? Karina (team member)

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