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Is this normal for IBS

Hi I got diagnosed about a year ago with severe IBS, mainly triggered by stress, anger and so on.
So my question is, I can get these episodes with extreme pain, I immediately have to lay down on the floor, breathing hard. The pain is so intense I don’t know what to do with myself. Usually last up to 20-25 minutes, then its gone, but I am left totaly drained and tired. Is this normal for IBS?

  1. This sounds less like IBS and more like some organ is involved (kidney stones are a horrible sort of pain and come to mind from what I've read about them).
    IBS pain is less ... "extreme" usually.

    1. I'm so sorry that this happens to you. I would definitely talk to a doctor about this if you haven't already, so that they can check if something else is going on. IBS can cause extreme pain, but it could also be caused by something else, so I'd definitely ask for some tests. I hope you'll get some answers soon. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

      1. I have had colonoscopy, gastroscopy and ultrasound, x ray you name it. Even did a 6 month study, but the heath system in Norway just said severe ibs and has done nothing since🤷

      2. It sounds like you've done lots of tests indeed... Did you ever try an alternative route, like seeing a naturopath for example (, )? As far as I know that approach things differently and also do different tests (although that might depend on the practitioner). Since you mention that your pain episodes get triggered by stress and anger, I'm also wondering if maybe some stress management techniques might help, like hypnotherapy? I'm currently trying EFT tapping for my anxiety which is also my major IBS trigger, although I just started so I don't yet know if it works. Karina (team member)

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