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Is this standard of IBS or am I just extremely virus prone

Trying to minimize the disgust here but my story is as follows

Long term ibs person , main symptom is unrelenting nausea . Drs think it’s a vicious cycle of anxiety causing nausea . Nausea causing the anxiety with a dash of ibs . But this past year after a run in with the spicy cough seems to have really amplified things .

To manage the nausea I take zofran . Unfortunately , this makes me unable to go to the toilet for up to 3 weeks at a time .
Almost every 3 weeks like clock work , I have a really bad week where I can take in no food , and get diarrhea almost without warning , especially after 3 weeks of nothing it can be intense .

Wasn’t sure if it was standard of ibs , overflow diarrhea or if my 60 pound weight loss from this nausea in the past year has just left me extremely virus prone . I went from 170 down to 110 , I am 5 ft 4 for context.

Has anyone experienced anything like this ? It is really crushing my mental health and affecting my work performance .

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. Having constant nausea sounds really horrible. 🙁 Is there any other medication you could take for your nausea that doesn't cause constipation for 3 weeks? This sounds really intense. What does your doctor say about this side effect? IBS can definitely cause both constipation and diarrhea, but it doesn't usually cause weight loss, so if you haven't already, I'd definitely ask for some tests to make sure that nothing else is going on.
    Are you currently doing anything to help with your anxiety? I also have both IBS and anxiety and my symptoms are so much better when my anxiety is under control.
    I'm also going to link an article about nausea here, it goes into detail about potential causes and treatments: Hopefully, other community members will chime in soon and share their experiences with you. Karina (team member)

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