Hi ,
Thank you for asking this question. was able to share a great article that speaks to the very common experience women go through with IBS during their monthly cycle. I wanted to chime in and put your mind at ease...not only is this a common situation women with IBS find themselves in, but women without GI issues also have shared that their bowel movements tend to differ during that time of the month...as shared in this article: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a19916310/5-ways-your-period-messes-with-your-pooping-habits/
Many people that struggle with IBS find that keeping a daily journal of food intake and their symptoms allows them to monitor possible triggers. If you were to cross reference this with your monthly cycle, you may notice some patterns. Hope this information was helpful 😀
~Marci (IrritableBowelSyndrome.net team)