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IBS symptoms?

Just signed up on this forum. I’m experiencing for the second time mainly pain on the right side either around appendix area, upper and under the ribs. My bowel movement are normal. My diet has been based on beans a lot as I’m more vegan, vegetarian . Had colonoscopy 3 years ago with recommendation to repeat it I. 10 years. My PCP prescribes Sertraline and Dicyclomine. Has anybody experiences this type on the right side of the abdomen?
Thank you.

  1. I have experience with this type of pain on the right side but in my case it was because of a Kidney stone. My IBS pains mostly seem to be centered and on left side but hopefully others chime in as well.

    I'm sure IBS pains are all over and at random times. Since the easiest test is an Ultrasound for Kidney stones maybe check in with a Urologist first?

    1. Hi , you're not alone with this. We have so many forums and comments from people who have pain on the right side, I'm going to link a few but there are many more: 1), 2), 3), 4) For me, bloating can cause this type of pain, and beans are definitely a trigger for that in my case. Do you get the same kind of pain when you eat foods that are easier to digest?
      I agree with the comment above that it's always best to get these kinds of symptoms checked out, especially of they're new, just to be sure. But it definitely can be caused by IBS.
      All the best, Karina (team member)

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