Hi there just new to this forum. Just checking if any of you suffer extreme right side pain during flare up where I imagine appendix would roughly be? Like constant ache/stitch in side. If so how do you manage
I'm sorry to hear that! That sounds both annoying and painful. I know some of our members have experienced this, and I believe there are some threads in our forums about this as well. Any members have anything to share? ~Michaela (irritablebowelsyndrome.net Team Member)
Teddy Member
Last Updated:
Hi I'm new here I can totally relate to how you are feeling I have suffered with ibs since I was in my late 20 s I'm 53 now My flare ups have been few and far between but for the last 6 months it feels like it's every couple of weeks Like yourself I get right side pain it's difficult to explain the pain sometimes it feels like a sharp stabbing pain then it can feel like a stich My pain can also jump to my left side also It's so depressing 😞 I suffer from bipolar also For the pain the only thing I have found to work sometimes is ibuprofen and melbarive Take care Marie
Elizabeth Alvarez Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
Sorry you go through this pain. Thank you for sharing what has. brought you relief. A heating pad is also helpful for me when I go through this, a long with Copaiba oil. I hope you are better today. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)
Teddy Member
Last Updated:
Hi thankyou for your reply So far so good today no pains I just thought today I would just use melbarive see how that goes I have been taking siligogel which seemed to be good for the start but I'm on a lot of meds for bipolar I felt like they weren't working for me I can't risk that basically I can't win. Take care Marie
Elizabeth Alvarez Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
So glad you don't have pain today. I hope you continue to have relief. Sending strength your way, Elizabeth (team member)