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IBS Research

I've decided that as the medical establishment offers ZERO help to cure chronic IBS, a life-altering illness, that we must do it ourselves. I hope to review/collect medical articles on digestion toward determining where in the process my own system breaks down. A cursory read of a few articles suggests the intestinal lining is the likely culprit. Desperately seeking titles and citations to articles investigating the digestive process. Pls msg me.

  1. Thank you so much for taking such an interest in IBS research! Looking forward to your findings. Have you made any progress since this last update? Thank you so much for sharing with us! I hope you've compiled some great papers that might help us better understand how to manage these awful symptoms!

    Wishing you a gentle and symptom-free day ~ Sawyer (team member)

    1. Actually, I've given up perusing the NIH Digestive Diseases database. The scientists don't care enough to write back and with no one to talk to about these articles, I have no way of ensuring I'm correct in my understanding. I loathe biology but was willing to read some in the interest of quelling the explosions. Can't be done, I find - not w/o scientific support. I've decided instead on meditation/mind control using Centerpointe and Sedona Method recordings. I've not yet had much success. Best I can do is maybe 3 days btwn explosions, but Viberzi - the most reliable treatment, I hear - destroys the organs, so that's no answer. In the midst of explosions I find myself mad as hell at the damn organs, which fail to stop the diarrhea, so WTH good are they, anyway? But after about 4 Immodium gel caps a cooler head prevails. I am again back with the recordings but IMPATIENT for reliable fx. Offspring recently biffed off to Chicago to study Silva healing, so I've asked him to consult his teacher. It's hard to keep faith with such a pathetic result but I'm out of ideas. Food makes no difference. Stress makes no difference. I'm hoping it's a matter of letting something from the past go but I admit I am discouraged. I've been at it for months yet a couple of explosion-free days is the best I can do. Anyone with experience? All advice gratefully rec'd.

      1. I'm sorry that you're not seeing the improvement you were hoping for. I hope your son can get some helpful insights from his teacher. Do you still notice your body reacting to the recordings? Karina (team member)

    2. Yes! Turned a corner just the other day. It's a constant effort to confront and let go the anger that has been boiling up for yrs and weary yrs. It's just not helpful as it embeds itself in us physically and yes I do feel it very much during a recording when I consciously let it go. A tingling bubbling happy sensation. The cure requires more self-reflection than I like but I accept that it's the Road to Damascus. It's strangely hard to give up one's 'righteous' anger convinced as we become that our boiling rage protects us, keeps us safe. It doesn't. Forgiveness and letting go is the only way to prevent anger from causing dreadful physical and mental harm like IBS. I now feel my guts finally FINALLY finally calming down reliably along with my sweet optimistic nature. It's a daily obligation like prayer and exercise and well worth a try. I feel pleased that I take no prescription drugs today of any kind and far less Immodium. I feel that I'm finally getting my life back. Centerpointe, Sedona Method and Paul Scheele. I am not in any way unique so if I can do this anyone can.

      1. That's great news, I'm so happy that you're finally feeling relief! You inspired me to try something like this, too. I somehow ended up with EFT tapping and I know what you mean, I can physically feel when I'm starting to let go of things. I probably say this for every single one of your comments but we really appreciate you sharing your experience with the community, it's so helpful! Karina (team member)

    3. I had to look up EFT - so glad if it's working for you. Prescription drugs seems to cause as many problems as they address and the fix is not deep enough. I wasted some time and energy being ashamed of my anger but no more. More important to acknowledge then let it go. It is work but the new freedom and relief from IBS symptoms is so rewarding. I feel I'm almost explosion-free.

      1. That's amazing, I'm so, so glad to hear that you're doing so much better. I agree that being ashamed of feelings only makes them worse. I'm the same with my anxiety, acknowledging it helps me work through it better. All the best, Karina (team member)

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