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I am coeliac.

I struggle to find snacks so u eat lits if snack a jscks but now I think thy could be triggering my ibs .any advice please would be appreciated. Thanku guys xxx

  1. What kind of snacks do you usually eat? Have you tried keeping a food diary to see if maybe there's a pattern between what you eat and the symptoms you get? Personally, I mostly eat gluten-free bread with butter (and sometimes cheese) as well as bananas for snacks. This works pretty well for me. However, I personally do better when I have real, warm meals rather than tons of snacks during the day. It's different for everyone though. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

    1. hello karina thanku I tend to eat lits of rice cakes I wondering if its too much fibre. But goid udea about bread n cheese I do liv cheese and bananas do tend to ease the stomach..thanku .hope u are well xx

    2. I hope it'll work for you! For the rice cakes, if you're having issues, I would check the ingredients to see what's in them and maybe try different brands with the fewest additives possible. This usually works best for me. All the best, Karina (team member)

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