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Exploring Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) for IBS - Any Insights or Experiences?

I hope this community can shed some light on a topic I've been delving into lately. I've been dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and have come across information about the potential benefits of Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) in managing digestive issues.

I'm curious to know if anyone here has tried incorporating HMOs into their IBS management plan and if you've noticed any positive effects.

If you've found success with HMOs, I'd love to know which products or sources you recommend. On the flip side, if you've encountered challenges or haven't noticed any improvement, I'm still keen to hear your perspective.

Additionally, any tips on dosage, duration, or factors to consider when incorporating HMOs into an IBS management strategy would be greatly appreciated. I'm navigating this journey and value the insights of those who have firsthand experience.

Thanks a bunch for your time and any information you can share!

  1. I have never heard of this type of treatment for IBS before. Thank you for sharing. Do you just drink a certain amount each day? And we are talking human breast milk? -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I have also never heard of this approach! I’ve read that human milk helps babies create a diverse microbiome though, is this approach based on the same idea? I’m also wondering if there might be studies regarding the prevalence of IBS in people who were breastfed versus those who weren’t?
      Karina (team member)

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