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How do you handle flatulence?

I have had ibs for many years now. At first it was all D and later in my life it has become M. Recently, much more C than anything. This is not an easy life. Never has been. But one of my biggest problems now is flatulence. It was recommended by a gastroenterologist for me to start taking a fiber supplement. I chose to take a natural fiber. Anyways, since the beginning of this endeavor, I have had so much gas. It can be very embarrassing as well. Every time I stand up it gets expelled and that is a very, very embarrassing situation. Unable to hold it in. So can anyone tell me how to rid my body of it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it must be so frustrating.
    We have this article about excessive gas and flatulence: You’re not alone with it.

    Have I understood correctly that the gas has gotten worse since you started the fiber? If yes, I would maybe try stopping it for a while to see if that’s better.
    We also have this article: about different types of fiber. Maybe you’ll find some helpful information in there.
    I’m also wondering if you’ve been tested for SIBO?
    Hopefully, other community members will chime in soon to share their advice with you.
    Karina (team member)

    1. Hello Karina! I have never been tested for anything. I was diagnosed with IBS and that was that. My gastroenterologist retired and I went to a new one and she just told me I needed to take fiber and that was that. I have never had any other tests for my stomach. It is very frustrating trying to get these doctors to listen to you.

    2. That's very frustrating indeed. Could you possibly ask for some tests, since you haven't had any before your diagnosis? Usually, doctors do at least stool and blood tests, and sometimes other scans and/or a colonoscopy before diagnosing IBS, just to rule out other issues. I've also heard positive things about naturopathic doctors for IBS:, if that's something you might want to explore. They can also do the SIBO test. I was just wondering about SIBO because it can cause a lot of gas, which reminded me of your symptoms.
      Please keep us updated.
      All the best, Karina (team member)

  2. I eat a lot of plant fiber every day from cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, black beans, kale, and radishes, all of which produce gas. And I get fiber from raw green pepper, also very gassy.

    I introduced these veg a little at a time, gradually increasing the amount. I had less and less flatulence as my body adjusted. But I do still have it.

    If I take 4 Beano tablets before and after eating, it reduces flatulence to near zero. Living alone, though, I don't usually take it.

    Whenever I have passed gas in front of others, I say: "Feel free to demand equal time!" It always gets a big laugh, and embarrassment disappears.

    Hope this helps 😀 Best, Kim, moderator

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