Hello Kathleen. Yes, I use herbal remedies. But what I use might not be suitable for everyone, and bear in mind that I am not on any other medications. Sometimes herbs can interfere with prescription drugs or over the counter medicines.
I have IBS-D (diarrhea predominant) So what I take wouldn't suit someone with IBS-C (constipation predominant)
None of these has ever really solved my IBS. (I wish!!) But they do help relieve symptoms a little bit in a flare up.
I take: Tormentil tincture (Got that from A. Vogel in UK) I only use it during times when I have a flare up or very loose bowel movements, and it does help slightly.
Peppermint tea.
Camomile tea.
Nettles (I eat them steamed for 10 minutes), and they are sometimes the only vegetable I can eat in a flare up without ill effects. So gentle on the tummy, so long as they are cooked of course! I just add a sprinkle of salt.
Ginger root (can help relieve any nausea that sometimes comes with IBS flare ups)
Blackberry leaf tea.
Cinnamon in small amounts.