Hi has anyone had a similar experience of eating warm pastries/cakes and almost immediately having to run to bathroom due to diahorrea? This has happened to me and I am curious to know if anyone else has similar experience. TIA
Thanks for sharing and reaching out. Sometimes foods high in fat can be a trigger for people. Typically pastries contain butter or shortening and may be a trigger. Also, some people react to concentrated flavors like a very sweet high-sugar treat may cause an issue. Wishing you the best, Kelly, https://irritablebowelsyndrome.net Team Member
hateibs Member
Last Updated:
Are you okay if you eat the pastries or cakes cold? When you say warm, do you mean fresh out of the oven? I can't imagine what may cause the flare, but all I know is, when I was a child I was forbidden by my mother, to eat any cake, pastry or bread while it was warm and fresh out of the oven. She always told me it would upset my belly and give me indigestion! I don't know why.
Karina Member
Last Updated:
My parents always told me the same thing! I also have no idea why. I just googled it out of curiosity and found several pages saying that it isn't true... who knows! Hugs, Karina (team member)
Karina Member
Last Updated:
I've had a similar experience, but in my case, it was due to a newly developed gluten intolerance. Have you tried cutting out gluten for a while to see if it helps? It might have nothing to do with that, but you never know with IBS! Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)
dogon1013 Member
Last Updated:
Likely a trigger food in the ingredients....or can you consume it fine cold?
Either way, a small CBD vape when you feel the diarrhea coming on nocks those feelings out for 15 minutes or so (for me at least), so you have time to make it to a bathroom.
Kelly Dabel, RD Community Admin
Last Updated:
Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad you've found a way to find a bit of relief or at least delay having to run to the bathroom for a few. Best, Kelly, Irritablebowelsyndrome.net Team Member