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Cured of IBS. Ten years later, still no symptoms.

I'm not sure how to begin this conversation, as I know how much suffering we all go through.

My eldest brother, and father, still suffer with horrible symptoms of IBS. When I was at my worst, I had to take several days off work at a time. My work as a police officer back then, was severely impacted. It did not help my career.

But some time after being examined by a specialist (see attached medical report), my GP recommended a diet that he'd come across, that might help control my Type 2 diabetes. I suffered this diet for six weeks, and it did help my diabetes, but I couldn't manage to stay on it any further.

However.. following my time on this diet, I came to realise that ALL of my IBS symptoms had completely disappeared. Not just dissipated, but vanished. And almost a decade later, they have NEVER returned, despite my very heavy drinking and poor diet.

The reason that I am on here, is because I have been in touch with several research institutions, and not one of them have even bothered to respond. I wanted someone to research this diet, and my experience, but none seem interested.

I understand how things work in the health industry. Money is God.
They obviously don't want to rock the boat of research funding, by suddenly 'finding' a cure. It's disgusting, but is the norm of modern day health - dollars before cures.

I want to see how many of you would like to experiment with this diet. I altered the original diet my GP gave me, as I was really struggling with it. With my changes, I found it much easier to tolerate.

I am in the process of reproducing the original diet, as it was very long and involved. As soon as I have finished that, I will post it on here. I would love to hear from anyone who has a go at it.

The only thing that I ask, is that my name stay on the diet - as I'm the first poor soul to suffer through the bloody thing!! Medical Report

  1. Hi , I'm so glad that you no longer experience any symptoms!
    Have you discussed the positive impact of this diet with the GP who originally recommended it to you?
    I understand that it's very frustrating that none of the research institutions replied to you. It would indeed be interesting to know if the diet could help others as well. However, we're all so different and what ended up being a cure for you might not work for someone else...
    Have you talked about the diet to your brother and father and have they tried it as well?
    You're very welcome to share with this community what has worked for you. However, it's important to consult with a doctor before trying any specific or restrictive diets.
    All the best, Karina (team member)

    1. Cheers Karina. Yes, I've discussed this with my GP on a couple of occasions, but he just laughs and dismisses it - even though he's in possession of my medical records, which prove the results!! And yes, I've also tried convincing my family members about trying this, but it just seems to be the same strange thing.. no one wants to give it a try, even though they suffer horribly with IBS. I just can't understand it.

      Anyway, I'm not going to waste anymore time. The diet is known as the Newcastle Diet, developed by the Newcastle University in England. This is the website for the diet:

      I wish everyone the best of luck.

      1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I understand now why you said that it was a hard diet to follow! Did you work with your doctor or a dietitian to ensure that you still got all the nutrients you needed on the diet?
        How strange that your GP won't take it seriously, I imagine that's very frustrating... It seems quite logical to me that treating one condition might affect the symptoms of another, after all, we only have one body and everything's connected. Some community members have shared the strangest things that helped their symptoms, like neck surgery ( Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

      2. Hi. I can’t find the details for the actual diet via the link you provided. Would you/someone mind posting screenshots or send me where I can see the foods? Thanks!

    2. Thank you SO much for sharing this diet. My IBS-D has been SO debilitating for me over the years that I lost my elementary education job due to it and have basically become a hermit. I have an EXTREME case where I can keep no food in my system and I have to be be within a short running distance of an open toilet. My gastroenterologist has tried everything: endoscopy, colonoscopy, various medications, and all my results are clear and none of the meds work. So, I am going to take a look at your diet, because this TERRIBLE disease/illness has a complete stranglehold on my life.

      1. I'm so sorry that you're struggling so much and that you have such an extreme case of this. I hope that you'll get some relief soon. Hugs, Karina (team member)

      2. Have u been tested for UC? Try marshmallows see if that will help slow your D down

    3. It's so great that you manage to re-balanced your body. To be honest, in my experience as a naturopath, the way we eat can help in many ways whether or not we get sick, develop a disease or cure one we have.
      My advice is that you keep a healthy diet, even if you didn't get back the IBS symptoms after that strict one. We get sick because parts of our body or organs get blocked and at some point our body can struggle with too much work to do so we get unbalanced. We can sometimes regain that balance but others might be too late, for example with a major disease or an autoinmune one. So prevention is a must to keep healthy! And we have much more energy with healthy habits 😀
      Also! don´t get frustrated because anyone wants to try your diet. I am agreed with Karina, it might don´t work for others because we are individual people.

      (Sorry for the possible writing mistakes. I am Spanish 😀)

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