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Chronic constipation for fifteen years

The constipation it's driving me completely insane I do everything eating lots fruits vegetable daily exercise laxatives stool softeners enemas it's been going on for fifteen years keeping me up late feeling bad causing me excessive thirst I drink gallons of water every day for years bloating been to the ER cause it drove me so crazy. I'm at the point of wanting to drink a bottle of wine just to stop thinking about it also a crazy idea is the wine might help me go. Also my right leg has been turning numb and I have urinary retention frequently all the extra fecal matter I feel is messing with nerve pathways it's so bad.

  1. That's so tough, I'm so sorry that you've been dealing with this for so long and that it's so bad. You're not alone. I hear that you've already tried so many things, it's so frustrating when nothing seems to work. I just wanted to share a couple of articles written by our contributors about how they treat their constipation, maybe you'll find something in there that you haven't tried yet? - - - - - I hope at least some of these are helpful for you. Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

    1. hello yes thank you I have been going through that information in my free time and have been planning on trying one of the ideas. Also have been on a fruit and vegetable fast past few days but it's definitely not a long term solution.

  2. Hey there 🙁
    Sorry to hear that.

    Look at the links that Karina provided, they have some very good advice.

    1. Yes I have been slowing going through the information in my free time and am hopeful about one of the ideas. Have been fasting past few days but it's not a sustainable solution

      1. I feel you, fasting can really help when nothing else seems to work during a flare. I hope you'll find some relief with the idea you're interested in. Please keep us updated on how things go for you. All the best, Karina (team member)

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