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Has anyone taken Xifaxan? If so what were the results?

My Dr wants to prescribe. It’s very $$, but I might be able to get From Canada. Would love to know if anyone has taken and results

  1. Hi, . Thanks for submitting your question. I think you meant to type "Xifaxan" in your question title, so I edited it before publishing. We've heard from some community that it's helped them, but not so much from others. Since IBS is very individual, what works for one may not work from another.

    Since you mention getting medication from Canada, I just wanted to make you (and others) aware what the FDA says about this: Hope this helps. - Chris, Team

    1. Hi Thank you for reaching out to the community about your question.I am not sure if you've made a decision yet to try Xifaxan? Many people that suffer from IBS-D and SIBO can find Xifaxan to be helpful. I, personally, required two rounds of the treatment to do anything. This medication can be extremely expensive if not covered by your insurance. My recommendation would be to communicate with your healthcare provider (gastroenterologist) and request they get you samples. If it wasn't for my doctors securing samples for me, I would have not been able to try this medication. As with any medication or treatment plan, it is always best to speak with your physician about options. Best of luck to you, and let us know if we can offer additional support.
      -Marci, Team

      1. My understanding of xifaxan is that it can also cause cdiff. Since I have a history of cdiff my doctor is hesitant

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