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Last Updated:
People at work and school are always offering food or snacks or even at family gatherings. And while I would love to say yes, I know that the food will send me down a very painful path. I also have trouble saying no because I don't want to have the whole conversation of what I can or can't eat and I don't want to be rude . Does anyone else feel this way?
hateibs Member
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It upset my belly for a couple of days. Not horrifically but I would have been better not eating it.
It's hard to get into the conversation of what foods are okay and what you can't eat. Sometimes there will be a number of things in a recipe, and no way of even knowing what might cause bad effects, unless you get the cook to let you know every ingredient! I wouldn't want to get into asking that, before I ate, unless I was seriously allergic of course.
Then they want to know what bad effects the foods have, and that's not a reply anyone wants to hear! Too much information.
It's really difficult. As I'm slightly built to start with people suspect I might have anorexia because I often have to refuse food when out or visiting people.
I tell them all sorts...that I just ate a big lunch before I came...didn't know there was food offered....have to go early to make an important call from home....
I make sure those are not complete lies as I hate lying to people. So I often will eat something safe before going out somewhere food might be offered.
Or sometimes I will accept a doggy-bag offering gracefully, when I'm ready to leave. The food always smells so good and I long to eat it but know I can't.
A doggy bag will always be appreciated by another member of the family, microwaved for someone's lunch the next day!
But I have to go home and eat my own food.
I like it best when something is offered that I actually CAN eat, like a piece of cake, or some plain cookies!
sophie Member
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I also have NCGS, allergies to shellfish and avocado's, and can't eat whole nuts, seeds, or any greens or lettuces.
I bring my own food everywhere I'm invited to. And I don't explain. I just eat.
Back_to_the_nineties Member
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Karina Member
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beachbaby Member
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I can relate. There are certain foods I just cannot eat and I am fine with that. I would rather not eat certain foods than suffer for it later. My problem is why do people think they have a say in my diet. Whenever I turn down salad at a restaurant or someones house they become shocked and say "You don't like salad." Or when I passed on the ice cream and I was asked why and explained I am lactose intolerant the would say "It sucks to be you." It is hard enough living with IBS without being made to feel as if I am some sort of freak. Does anyone else feel like this.
Kelly Dabel, RD Community Admin
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CommunityMember1726 Member
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Yupe I can feel you, even though I don't dare to refuse people, because for me it's very rude to say people no.