Hi, I'm 53 and have had menopausal symptoms for the last 2 years. Range of crazy symptoms and fibroid now diagnosed in my tilted uterus. I've had increasingly worse rectal pressure and lower back discomfort with crazy constipation and then urgency with little stool passing. I take 1000 mg of magnesium now to help. I've had a colonoscopy and that was fine.
My GYN just advised that my uterus is tilted backwards putting pressure on my rectum and likely the cultprit. There is a 6cm fibroid in the front of my uterus and is causing my uterus to shift backwards more so. This has been increasingly getting worse to the point of I feel like an old lady worried she needs to be near a bathroom and really not interested in intimacy right now due to this.
Has anyone known anyone that had a hysterectomy and this helped?