For 3 years, every night 2 hours after going to bed, I wake up with excruciating pain in my lower right abdomen, and a hard lump in that area. It feels like an intense urge for a bm. Sit on the toilet for about 10 minutes, but only pain and gas. Go back to bed. Approximately one hour later, same symptoms, no bm. This goes on hourly until about 8:00am, I have a painful bm, feels like broken glass and hard stool. After 2 or 3 painful bm’s, I wake up exhausted, but feel great the rest of the day. No symptoms. My day feels normal. All imaging tests are normal. All blood, stool, etc. tests are normal. My doctors are mystified. No one can answer why symptoms only at nighttime. Can anyone help me understand this constant nightmare? I’m not exaggerating- same symptoms, same routine EVERY night for 3 years.