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Swollen upper left abdomen


I am new to all of this and am not diagnosed yet. I am going through a very stressful period and after some ultrasounds and doctors appointments we are leaning more towards an IBS diagnosis.

For almost 2 months I have been experiencing a swollen feeling under my left rib cage, almost as if something is stuck under there.
This sensation is worse after eating.

I have been experience bad trapped gas, constipation which eventually result in some diorrhea after lots of days with pain running behind my left shoulder blade.

I have been driving myself insane that there is something seriously wrong with me and it is adding extra anxiety and stress.

Has anyone else experienced this?

  1. It's best to get the IBS diagnosis before you can be 100% sure your symptom is caused by IBS. But yeah, I get trapped wind and that can really hurt. Two places trapped wind loves to linger are: the Hepatic flexure (on the right, which can scare you that you have liver disease!) And the Splenic Flexure (on the left under left ribs)
    It kind of makes sense that wind lingers there, as they are both quite tight bends in the colon.
    Stress and anxiety are big triggers for IBS generally, and for gut pains from trapped wind.
    Gas in the colon can also cause distension and bloating.

    While waiting for doctors, diagnosis, appointments etc, try colon massage (while lying down comfortable and relaxed, massage your tummy from lower right. up on the right side, then across, and under left ribs, then down on left side all the way to groin. Listen to some gentle relaxing music while doing that.
    A warm bath can help. You could do the massage in the bath.
    A hot water bottle can help, and some peppermint tea? You could try out foods that are less likely to produce so much gas. The ones that do are cabbage, broccoli, beans, lentils, cauliflower etc. And any other foods that don't suit your gut.
    Try not to be scared of it. I do get that quite often.

    1. Stress and anxiety have caused me all sorts of strange symptoms in the past that went away when my life returned to normal, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Which is easier said than done, I know. I'm also the type of person who can stress for months on end that something is seriously wrong, so I feel your pain....
      That being said, I also agree that it's best to get everything checked out just in case. It sounds like you've already done some tests, have you also had blood work and a stool test done?
      If the doctors don't find anything, I'd focus on diet changes to reduce the bloating, like suggested in the comment above. Speaking from personal experience, a sensitivity to gluten can cause significant bloating as well, so it might be worth trying a gluten-free diet for a week or two to see if it helps. Dairy is also a common trigger.
      Wishing you quick relief,
      Karina (team member)

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