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stomach ruining my life

My stomach started rumbling about 1 and a half years ago and it’s literally ruining my life. I don’t go out, i don’t talk to my friends, i don’t do anything i just stay at home because of it. Everyone knows the embarrassment of your stomach rumbling but try carrying that embarrassment with you every. single. day. I cant do it anymore i’ve gone to so many doctors and they won’t do anything they never find anything. I’ve had an ultrasound, i’ve had blood tests, i’ve had intolerance tests and nobody knows what it is and i’m so done. I just want to be normal and i want my life back. I have my Gcses in 2 months and they last for 4 weeks obviously something is bound to happen. I just want a cure before then but nobody can find one and i’m this close to literally ending my life. whats the point of living if i cant even live. I don’t do anything except rot in my room all day because im too embarrassed to go out. Everyone tells me im so dramatic and it happens to everyone but it’s never normal when it rumbles every second of the day, people make fun of me for it at school and i just want it to stop. I cry everyday. i dread going to school and who knows what it’ll be like in that massive exam hall filled with students. I NEED A CURE desperately i’ve asked everywhere and i honestly give up. I’ve tried the fodmap thing, i’ve tried probiotics, i’ve tried cutting out milk and gluten, i’ve tried drinking water, i’ve tried chewing gum, i’ve tried eating small meals, i’ve tried eating snacks. i swear i’ve tried everything in the book. i always have to be cautious of what i eat. I eat toast everyday and i eat a cereal bar at break and i have crisps at lunch because they’re my safe foods it’s what i know wont make my stomach rumble in school. I don’t know where this all came from because i was fine a few years ago. i just want things to go back to normal and sit in a quiet classroom with confidence again, i want to go out with my friends.

  1. Totally get it. After 2/5 yrs. I received a diagnosis of: Collagenous Colitis. Now awaiting blood test results for possible celiac. Do no leave the house without praying a lot

    1. I'm so sorry that it took so long to get a diagnosis. Did you receive any treatment so far? Karina (team member)

  2. My heart goes out to you. Is it just the rumbling? Or do you have pain? Do you get blood in your stool ever? Also, when you do go is it healthy looking or diarrhea? Im no doctor but I am just trying to help with what I know. I've had this for over ten years. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I feel you and I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. As for the anxiety, I personally can't even distinguish between anxiety and an IBS flare sometimes. One causes the other for sure. I've tried the Nerva hypnotherapy app for a couple of weeks and that really helped with the vicious cycle, have you tried something like that before? Before having IBS, I would always get nausea whenever I was even remotely stressed and threw up in school several times... Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

    2. I hear you. Anxiety is a big trigger. At least you aren't having blood or constant pain because if you did I would suggest asking your doctor for a colonoscopy to check what is going on the inside. So sorry you are dealing with this. Do you find that certain foods trigger symptoms or is it mostly anxiety? -Elizabeth (team member)

  3. kim4576
    I feel you but I can't sugar the truth: What you're experiencing here is (sadly) you ruining your own life. Don't get me wrong: What you have there sucks (I feel you and believe me: everyone here can probably feel
    you very well and know your pain in one way or the other). But now comes the hard pill to swallow (which sadly took me maybe 4 years
    of my 7 years total with this pain-in-the-a**-disease to get): STOP DEFENDING YOURSELF FOR YOUR BODY!

    Believe me, it takes A LOT of practice to finally let that sink in but it's true:

    You have constant rumbling and people stare? Let them stare, they don't know how what you're dealing with.
    I was always thinking stuff like: What will I eat on my day-trip? Will there be a toilet? Can I eat out with my friends (without being embarassed bc. of basically ordering something like white rice with carrots and plain water) and now I'm at a point where
    I just say: F that and do it anways. Close friends admire me for it, telling me stuff like: "I had an upset stomach but knowing how much you have to deal with, I didn't complain, you're my hero" and I admit that it feels
    good to pat myself on the back, saying to myself: "Yes, I handle myself pretty well considering."

    Sure, you can stay at home all day every day but do you seriously want to look back on your life, knowing that this stupid disease (whatever it might be) just ruined your go and denied you
    everything? Because I personally don't accept that.

    Also a tip: Google Mindfullness Meditation Training (by Kabat-Zinn). This basically saved my life when I was at the point of giving up. You don't even need to buy the book (eventhough there are 1-2 volumes I could recommend), there is enough info about it online.

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