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Starting antibiotics - I'm really scared

Sorry you guys but I need to write this down somewhere.

As some here might know I've had a rather bad few months (sick leave/ growing list of food sensitivities/ bloating a.s.o.) and my latest doctor (prof. of gastroenterology of renowened clinic here in Germany) pescribed me Rifaximin which helps some people with IBS and also works if my problems are SIBO-related (which I can't shake).

Tonight I'm taking my first round and then 2 tablets each day for the next 2 weeks (that antibiotic costs 220€ ... I mean WHAT?!).
I was debating if I should take Sacch. bouldarii as a protective probiotic with the antibiotics but my doctot told me not to (I know that it makes sense ... otherwise it won't be so clear what really helped if the antibiotics indeed help me somehow).

I feel like I'm on a clock now because the pain in my finger joint has gotten worse and I feel more depressed. I still think about taking the probiotic right after the two weeks now which also proves how paranoid I have become. Instead of trying, believing in my doctor and just relaxing, I'm already - again - making plans on my own.

This all sucks so much. I hope I get through this.

  1. I can relate so much. After trying so many things that haven't worked, it's really hard to stay positive. Something that helps me whenever I'm spiraling is asking myself: "but what if this works?" or "what if all goes well?" and then spend some time imagining what it would be like if everything indeed turned out fine. More often than not, this helps me realize that not everything is doomed from the start. I completely understand not wanting to get your hopes up, but for me personally, I've noticed that a negative mindset in and of itself can cause symptoms for me.
    Is there anything you could do during the two weeks to make yourself feel better and take your mind off the antibiotics? Right now, you're already doing the treatment, so there's nothing else you need to plan/research for the time being. My mum always tells me stop solving problems before they arise (which I always tend to do), and I find it very true. It just causes additional stress, at least for me.
    Another technique that helps me is accepting that I'm feeling doubtful and hopeless, but also acknowledging that this is not real and just my mind trying to protect me from disappointment. And that I don't need to feel this way to be able to make good decisions. (I love this tapping video for situations like these: in case you're interested in trying).
    I hope this is somewhat helpful, I just wanted to share what helps me in case it could work for you, too. I really do hope that the antibiotics will work for you and finally give you some relief. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

    1. Thanks 😀 Yeah I actually tell myself I'm taking vitamins because the idea of those red tablets being highly potent antibiotics is somehow not soothing 😉

      3 tablets in and so far no reaction.

    2. Did your doctor tell you how long it usually takes for your symptoms to improve if the antibiotics work? Karina (team member)

  2. So far I'm doing good (antibiotic-wise). Xifaxan gives me one of the best stools I had in ages and my symptoms got better. But because my body is my body and my body hates me, I developed symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (unrelated, I had earlier symptoms way before the antibiotics) and my shitty body can't stomach the herbal medicine (let's be honest tho: Why do these damn pharma. companies put stuff like lactose and hundreds of other usless additions in everything?!). Thankfully the UTI symptoms became better by themselves over the last 1-2 days (drinking A LOT atm) but I want to support my bladder somehow and prevent the UTI from coming back if my body can indeed successfully fight it.

    1. Oh no, so sorry that you developed a UTI in addition to everything. 🙁 What kind of herbal medicine are you taking? Maybe you could get a better version that doesn't contain all the additional ingredients? I personally order herbs online because I can't even find them in pharmacies here. It's good that your digestive symptoms are improving on the antibiotics though, that's great news! Karina (team member)

  3. So it's actually worse than I initially thought. Those horrible herbal-based pills (which btw. were tested "F" by a well-regarded testing magazine as it turns out) inflammed my whole digestive tract. I stopped taking them on tuesday (had taken 6 until then). On wednesday I was running around biting pain in my tummy (like parts of my gut lining being on fire) and my bladder problem became worse again. Since then my stomach has been slowly but steadily recovering (can still feel it tho).
    Went to a clinic wednesday and I was tested negative for bacterial urinal infection and doctor told me to give my bladder time to heal as it is most likely severely irritated.

    1. I have done well with Rifaxamin. It has kept symptoms in control longer than anything else. But the copay is $600 so just using before vac

      1. I payed 230€ for it here in Germany. I have only 4 more days to go (2 weeks total/550mg 2 x day) and as I said it all went well until I took that awful herbal medicine against urinal tract infection. The inflammation is now a lot better again (thankfully) ... the last 2 days have been annoying (actual burning sensation in my intestines). Now all I need to get rid of is the inflammation that is mainly in the left side of my bladder but I guess that I'll have to give my body time to heal ...

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