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Sharp upper abdominal pain

About 2 months ago I started having a sharp stabbing pain in my upper left abdomen. Now the same pain is in the left and right upper abdomen. I've had many gi tests that all came back normal. I have had IBS-C alternating with diarrhea for over 40 years. This new pain is present everyday. I am constipated all the time and having difficulty passing gas. But tests show no obstruction. Eating may aggravate it or sometimes feels okay. I've lost 20 pounds in just over a month. I'm on lactulose and just started taking constella. Would like to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar.

  1. I have the same thing. I don't know if the placement right but this has been going on for decades and only gets worse.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear you've had this for so long. Did your doctors have any ideas what it could be??

      1. I'm so sorry that you've been dealing with this and doctors can't find the cause. Could it be that you're reacting to a new trigger or something like that? I really hope that you'll be able to figure this out soon. Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

        1. thanks I appreciate that support. The pain am ein suddenly and is there everyday.

        2. That must be so hard. You're not alone, we have an entire collection of articles about chronic pain: Maybe you'll be able to find some helpful tips in these articles? Hopefully, you'll get some relief soon. Karina (team member)

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