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Probiotics and Berberine

Developed IBS-D after decades of medical misdiagnosis and neglect. Finally researched a Blastocystis Parasite infection which I diagnosed myself and requested a test from my doctor which came back positive. Requested antibiotic. They gave me Bactrim which was a disaster. Destroyed my intestinal flora. Requested Flagyl after researching it would be the best. Had to go to Emergency to obtain it. It worked within 24 hours. Had to learn how to pulse dose with Flagyl to clear up the liquid yellow water - worse than diarrhea. Could not get a bowel movement. Had to learn how to switch over to probiotics and experiment with dosages up to 400 billion which worked, then dosage down. No medical help. Experimented with over dozen different probiotics but relied on them for the next ten years off and on and in various combinations. Got me through life and able to work, although not steadily. Now 70 years old and still learning. Three colonoscopies showed nothing. GI specialist turned his back on me and suggested Metamucil which did not work. Pain in the mornings increased. Tried colonics. Tried Berberine supplement. For a few months everything returned to normal, then relapse. Back on Saccharomycis Boulardi probiotic alternating with Bio K. Simple diet, very little meat, mostly oatmeal and soups helps. The only prescription that every worked for me was Flagyl. I fear that I will most likely die from this disease, inflammation and pain. One positive is that I have accumulated a lot of medical information and gained confidence and trust in my own ability.

  1. I'm so sorry that you went and are still going through all of this without getting any help from doctors. That's so, so hard and I admire how you were able to diagnose yourself correctly and find ways to help your symptoms all on your own. You seem to know exactly what your body needs in order to minimize symptoms as much as possible.
    Since you've had such a bad experience with doctors, I'm wondering if you've ever tried seeing a naturopath or holistic practitioner? I know that some of our community members had success with these approaches after struggling to get help from regular doctors: Karina (team member)

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