I've had toilet problems for 4 months steattorhoea, I think most of the times, floating light colour oil, very soft, had colonscopy and gastroscopy and calprotectin test, all fine, told i had IBS and basically discharged but still have the same problem, my weight is 1 stome less than normal, I watch a youtube video last night from a gastroentiologist who said steatorrhoea for a period of time means yor pancreas is severely impaired but my gp does not been a topic with my gp, told I probably have IBS and basically go away now but I am very worried about pancreatic issues and of course cancer but i don't have much pain or yellow eyes, something is causing my toliet issues, not has a normal toilet for over 4 months now and really life changing these toliet issues, maybe someone on here can shed some light on the difference between IBS and pancreas issues?