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Painful No Lie

Sweet relief just seems to be a dream. I know I shouldn't have eaten those saltine crackers at 7:00 last night but I was hungry and after all it's just a little bit of a cracker. Yikes! Did me in for 48 hours. One of many 48-hour trips. And have I learned anything over the past several years? Yes. You know that burning horrible cramping that on the left hand side it just doesn't go away until you finally send that fax. Well, eventually I think we all find relief. This time my relief. I thought I had it concurred. At the onset of any cramping whatsoever that I know so well, a little Pepto-Bismo, to tylenols, and some of my dank cannabis gummy. But this time it did not work. I was thirsty!! I have not stopped drinking water in fact when I eat I drink water with every swallow of food. Drink and chew. Two and drink until the food in my mouth is mush. Then I swallow.
What I'm getting at is water.
Water takes away the burn ever so slightly enough to move things along and before long I'm empty and it's gone. Will this always work?
I have in a freaking clue but it's working now.
And for me that's good enough.
What do you think?

  1. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible flare.
    I personally have never felt that drinking water helped during a flare (I have IBS-D and usually can't have anything, not even herbal tea), but maybe the fact that you were so thirsty was your body's way of telling you what it needed? I hope drinking water will continue working for you, it's such a healthy and easy remedy!
    Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

    1. thank you so much! Your right. We ought to listen to our bodies. If there is a god I hope he hears our prayers for the pain to go away.

    2. I hope so. Maybe one day they'll find a cure for IBS. Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

  2. Drinking water never seems to make any difference to me one way or the other. I never overdo the water though. I guess I have about 2 litres of fluid per day, including teas etc. I actually love water and always did. It doesn't make my IBS D any worse, or particularly help it much either. But I usually drink fluids apart from food.
    But I'm glad you find that it really helps you.

    One thing that can make me a little iffy is having "wet food"...such as soups, teas with cookies etc. Usually I like only one mouthful of water after I've eaten, just basically to rinse my teeth, as if I drink at the same time as eating or too soon after, that can have a negative effect on me.

    1. I hear you. I love cookies, but most cookies do me in. Sometimes just the thought of cookies cause gurgling in my abs. I used to love lemon cookies. Now days, lemons are on my do not eat list.

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