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New to your group and feel need to be able to read and listen to others also burdened with IBS

Been dealing with IBS for over 30 years. I know this is not an inflammatory process and will never be but there have been times I feel like I could die of embarrassment! Having to know where the bathrooms are wherever I go, and worse. It’s the unpredictability that confounds me. I am acutely aware of the brain/gut connection and I definitely react to stress. But sometimes I will have a bad episode, IBS D is my issue, for no good reason. Not particularly stressed, not eaten foods that I know are triggers, but will have a flare anyway. Who knows? I saw a GI doc 3 years ago for the first time, after an upsetting flare. I loved him but he poo pood my use of Imodium which I understand but frankly, sometimes it was the only thing that helped in any way, although temporary. He put me on Questran which causes some constipation but doable. Things were tolerable until this past fall, 2021. Several stressful situations, 2 of them involving travel. Had not seen my family in Canada for almost 3 yrs. Because of Covid. So an airline trip to Canada and 3 weeks later, another for Thanksgiving to my son’s in NC. Travel these days, especially out of the country is daunting so my stress level was off the charts. And my colon reacted accordingly. I ate nothing but boiled eggs and bananas for days before my trips and on the days I traveled, I fasted, anything to avoid an upset. Had one good month now it has come back, with a vengeance. I’ve known about the Fod Map diet for about 3 years and used it sporadically, ie for a few days before travel etc. now I decided I would be more diligent and do the 2 or 3 week Elimination diet. It’s been 1 week and I am so disappointed that I am not feeling any improvement. This is the worse flare I’ve ever had and I’m quite disappointed. I think I’ve been faithful except perhaps I’ve overdone it on the snacks, even tho they are approved snacks. Perhaps I am overindulging. I will take the advice here and start a diary of what I’m eating. I do have an appt. with a Doc. in April. Even in Medical Mecca Massachusetts you have to wait for appointments. I’m fortunate, I do not have abdominal pain or severe bloating, just cramping and frequent stools. Thank you. Feels good to get it off my chest, none of my friends or family have this affliction. I know I’m not alone.

  1. You certainly aren't alone, and I'm happy you decided to share your story with the community. Sorry you are experiencing urgency and only Imodium seems to be helping. As for me personally, I find if I have a banana before bed it helps with my urgency in the morning. Also of course, food diary is the biggest help. But knowing stress is a huge trigger, finding ways to cope with stress is crucial. Breathing techniques always help me but also what goes through your mind and thought processes is so important. I ended up working with a therapist and it helped me tremendously. I hope you are feeling well today. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Thanks for your reply. I will take your advice about the banana at night. I have been doing meditation for about 5 years. It’s done wonders for my blood pressure, not so much for IBS. I believe I would benefit from a counselor to deal with stress better. Will follow thru with that.

    2. Good luck! I hope you see improvement soon. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

  2. Hi Femme, I struggled with IBS for many, many years and finally had a different Dr. who diagnosed me with Crohns Disease. He said most people don’t get the correct diagnosis for 10 -15 yrs. after they have struggled with diarrhea for years. i am now on Stelara and I get a shot every 8 weeks. It has worked wonderfully for me. There are many meds for Crohns and my Mayo clinic dr. told me there are new things on the horizon fior Crohns treatment all the time. Very important to get the correct diagnosis. Maybe you don’t have it, but worth the piece of mind of an appointment with a different specialist. 2nd opinions are a must if you are struggling. Best wishes to you.

    1. Thanks for your input. I know I do not have UC or Crohns. My colonoscopies have confirmed that. And I’m thankful for that. But certainly the symptoms can be very similar except, with IBS there is no inflammatory damage to the colon.

      1. So glad you do not have UC or Crohn's. That is such a relief. I hope the IBS can get under control though, cause yes, symptoms can be similar and they aren't fun to deal with. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

    2. I'm sure I remember replying to you already, but I can't see here what I wrote. Forgive me if I'm repeating myself.
      But I found when working with the low Fodmap diet that there were some good things, some not so good things and some baffling things about it.

      That is, I could eat gluten with no problem. I went gluten free for 6 weeks and it made no difference to me, so went back to it and again -no difference. I now eat toast again.
      I could happily eat honey with no issues, and chocolate. I can even drink alcohol in moderation without it causing flares (only vodka though) And one coffee a day (sometimes two)
      However, some of the "allowable" low Fodmap vegetables do NOT suit me! Carrots (which I love) always used to make me "go" when I was well and no IBS. Now they make me "super-go". I can only dare eat them rarely.
      That's only one example. Parsnips, turnips, potatoes with skins, blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes etc etc -ALL on the low Fodmap list do not suit me at all. Only occasionally can I manage 10 blueberries. Fruit, even low Fodmap, can be a bit tricky for me. Any fiber can be challenging sometimes.
      There are more examples of low Fodmap foods that don't suit my gut at all.

      But some high Fodmap ones are not too bad at all. I can eat broccoli much of the time. It rarely upsets me.

      And I also found that some high Fodmap foods are actually low Fodmap in small amounts.

      So what I'm trying to say is I think you are going to have to find your own personal diet plan that suits you. Of course that can only be done by experimenting. Or, (and I know this sounds a bit woo-woo).... sometimes by a sheer instinct about a food that you might have.

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