Hi everyone, I could really use your help. I experience burning in the stomach along with reflux, and usually mild sweating too, nearly every night between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. It wakes me up to the point that I am unable to go back to sleep and has been going on for over 4 years. Needles to say the constant exhaustion affects every single aspect of my life.
I'm on my 3rd gastro doc and none of them have been able to identify the cause, and much less a solution, to the problem. I've had an endoscopy, HIDA scan, and CT scan and none of them found anything helpful. I've tried various elimination diets to no avail. The low FODMAP diet helped with other symptoms like terrible-smelling gas, bloating, foul-smelling loose / watery stools, and post-meal reflux. The early-morning stomach burning and reflux remain though. This is on a completely empty stomach, as I typically eat dinner around 7:00 p.m. I've taken every OTC and prescription medicine available and none have helped.
Has anyone else out there experienced these symptoms, and if so, were you able to find the cause?
I appreciate your time and consideration.