CommunityMember972 Member
My Gastro prescribed desipramine for my chronic abdominal pain. It has really helped the abdominal pain but came with a long list of side effects. The worst side effects I experienced in the first two weeks of taking this drug were insomnia and dry mouth. Insomnia has resolved itself but I still get dry mouth.
Karina Moderator & Contributor
You're not alone, so many of our community members deal with pain as well:
I really hope that you'll find something to alleviate it. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)
CommunityMember972 Member
CommunityMember968 Member
Thank you
Sawyer Matheny Moderator & Contributor
It depends on the person! I'm going to a new gastroenterologist tomorrow, so I hope I'll have some more to add to my tool belt. I've been prescribed Dicyclomine which has helped with the cramping. But I always go to Imodium. It stops me up and keeps me from bad movements during the day and for travel. I hope you've found some helpful means of relief along your own journey! ~ Sawyer (team member)
hateibs Member
If by any chance it's bile acid malabsorption which has been mis-diagnosed as IBS, then there is a medicine which definitely helps, and that is a bile acid binder (Cholestyramine) If the symptoms seem to fit, or just anyway, it's a good idea to ask the doctor if you can be tested for bile acid malabsorption (BAM) or given a trial of cholestyramine and see if there is improvement. I hear it can work very quickly if that's the issue.
This would only apply to IBS-D though, not constipation.
Karina Moderator & Contributor
Thanks for sharing that! These two articles about the same topic might be helpful as well:, Karina (team member)