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Leaky butt!

I've had IBS for years and have found it has been a bit of a rollercoaster. One symptom that has reared its head more than others is a bit of leakage after bowel movements. I find that if I wipe a few hours later there is a lot of brown liquidy stool on the toilet paper. Recently (i.e. over the past few days) this has come back again. Does anyone have anything like this? Any idea on what helps? I have not been on a strict diet recently - and have had some work stress - which I feel may be contributing to this.

  1. This happens to me. It is definitely due to some inflammation in the rectum. I wear a feminine pad daily so that my underwear stays clean. You can also try a liner. I find that when my diet is in check this lessens. -Elizabeth (team member)

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